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Till denna layouten började använde jag imperial purple och Sepia spray. Jag använde cirklar och lite stansade figurer som mask innan jag stämplade med bubbelplast. Blommorna och spetsbandet är infärgat av den lila inken.
I love to mist my layouts and when I tryed my new ink sprays from Sarah Hurley it was big love ! Wonderful inks! Clear and bright colors. You have to try them!
For this layout I used imperial purple and sepia spray. I used circles and some die-cut shapes as mask before I stamped with bubblewrap. The flowers and laceband is colored by the purple Ink.
Here is my take on the wordinspiration:
Can't wait to see what you create! Remember BONUS POINTS for using Sarah Hurley Products!
Kuretakte-Product I used:
Zig art & Graphics Twin 59, 20, 2,53, 550, 24, 313, 110
Zig Kurecolor 838
Zig Calligraphy 040
My kidz needed sunhats and Jonas Replayjeans was broken at the seams. Of course I sewed hats of the denim fabric. I give you pattern and description soon. Until then, you can use the simple guide I did a few years ago.